Water from Outdoors

For treks over several days, it is not feasible to bring water for the full duration of the trek. It is therefore necessary to get water from natural water source such as rivers and streams. There are a few simple guides and techniques to ensure that the water is safe for consumption.

General rules

  • Only collect water from flowing source. Unless in emergency, do not use water from stagnant pools for cooking and drinking no matter how clean and clear they are.
  • Always collect water from further upstream if you are rinsing your pots and washing in the river.
  • Be suspicious if the water seems devoid of any life. Use common sense.


Select a location where the water flow is fast and in a single direction.

Submerge the bottle with the mouth of the bottle in the same direction as the water flow. This will reduce debris carried by the water from flowing directly into your bottle.

water collection from river
Placement of bottle when filling water in fast flowing stream.

Water purification
Method Pros Cons
Boiling water for five to ten minutes Most effect way of killing pathogens Use up precious fuel. Boiled water cannot be consumed immediately. Does not remove debris.
Outdoors water filters Does not affect the taste of the water. Remove any debris in the water. May not remove all pathogens especially virus. Filter pore size should be at least 0.5 micron to remove protozoa1
Chemical tablets eg. Puritab
Generally need to leave for 30 minutes before drinking. Check product label.
Effective against bacteria and virus. May be effective against protozoa. Bad taste. Does not remove debris.


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